As a new school year begins, we are continuing our “Did you know” series with education laws that impact your student’s education that you may not be aware of.
Washington RCW (revised code of Washington) 28A.405.030 states:
It shall be the duty of all teachers to endeavor to impress on the minds of their pupils the principles of morality, truth, justice, temperance, humanity and patriotism; to teach them to avoid idleness, profanity and falsehood; to instruct them in the principles of free government, and to train them up to the true comprehension of the rights, duty and dignity of American citizenship.
Are the principles of free government and the true comprehension of the rights, duty and dignity of American citizenship being taught to your student in their public school? You can ask your student’s teacher, contact the school administration or attend a school board meeting and ask the directors.
RCW 28A.230.140 requires that the American flag be displayed in good condition during school hours on school property. The Pledge of Allegiance shall be recited at the beginning of each school day and the opening of assemblies. Students are not required to recite the pledge but shall maintain a respectful silence.
As your student if this exercise is happening daily in their school.
In the 2024 Washington legislative session, Senator Jim McCune sponsored a bill to add to this existing law with the teaching of the history and meaning behind the Pledge of Allegiance. The bill was a project by a class in the Eatonville School District. Unfortunately, the democrat majority declined to bring this vote to the senate floor for a vote before the end of session.
You can watch the students’ testimony on SB 6205 (quite remarkable kids!) below
In 2005 Congress passed HR 4818, requiring schools that receive Federal funding to hold education programs about the US Constitution for its students on or around September 17th. The US Department of Education has resources for all grade levels HERE. Take action by passing this information on to your student’s teachers so they can be in compliance with Federal law. *This is a Federal law and applies to ALL schools in the United States that receive Federal funding.
You can find additional Constitution Day resources and pocket Constitutions at the 917 Society.
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I will email the segment showing student testimonies to several principals and teachers in the Olympia School District.