The new "domestic extremism & mass violence" task force is WA is part of a several years' long project. In 2019 #waleg pass HB 1732 which created a Hate Crime Advisory Working Group. This bill was passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. You can view the roll calls HERE:
The work group created a report that was completed in July 2020. The group had 4 legislators, 2 of whom would have been republicans, 1 from each chamber, House and Senate.
Among the many recommendations of the work group was more DEI, SEL and restorative justice training for K12 educators.
According to the report, even elected officials should be required to take "hate crimes" training.
Here’s the part of the report that is leading the way on the current anti-hate task forces run by the Attorney General’s office (Hate Crimes Hotline and Domestic Violent Extremism)
The Hate Crimes Hotline was passed through SB 5427 which was passed on a bipartisan basis. The Domestic Extremism and Mass Violence task force was passed through SB 5950, the 2024 budget, also passed with bipartisan support.
There have already been 2 bills pre-filed in advance of the 2025 Washington Legislative session that expand upon the current hate & bias laws. The articles below detail both bills that have been pre-filed.
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