Today the Washington State Board of Education will have their August meeting and according to the agenda, they will spend about an hour reviewing and updating their “Ethnic Studies Resolution.” The image below is part of the presentation that will be used in the meeting today.
Over the past 5 years, Washington has passed a number of laws pertaining to ethnic studies in the government schools, not just for the students but for educators as well. Our team has been tracking the SBE’s work with ethnic studies, advocating that it not become a graduation requirement for students.
This is not happening only in Washington, but most every democrat-led state and also many republican-led states. The “public education” system has become primarily focused on indoctrinating American students with Marxist and Communist ideologies.
“100 years ago, during the 1924-25 school year, Stalin forced korenizatsiya (socialist construction) into schools. Backwards & Indigenous Peoples [of Communism] had a socialist version of their history & culture indoctrinated into their kids. Today it’s called Ethnic Studies.” ~Steven Welliever
Of course, teachers must have “essential knowledge” so they can adequately indoctrinate the students. Pictured below is a WA educator summer ethnic studies training by WA Ethnic Studies Now where teachers earn necessary clock hours to satisfy state law requirements.
What does Ethnic Studies curriculum look like on a district level? Here is a deep dive into the curriculum in Northshore School District:
More information on Ethnic Studies in WA and beyond:
The SBE’s own meeting documents show what an epic failure the government school system has been for Washington students.
Just over half of kindergarten students demonstrate skills of readiness
Not even half of 4th graders in the state are meeting the math standard
By 8th grade the number of students meeting standard in math drops to a pathetic 32.3%
Parents and citizens must demand that the state focus on education and stop indoctrinating our children!
If you want to see change, YOU must step up and take action.
VOTE - it’s time to fire OSPI Chris Reykdal. Vote for David Olson to get WA education back on track
COMMENT - provide your comments to the State Board of Education. Comments from parents and taxpayers is far more powerful than the comments of any organization (but yes, CLW will still comment!) Meeting info to make comment (1:45PM August 14):
You can also submit comment in writing:
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