Citizens must OPPOSE HB 1399 which would give the Governor-appointed Criminal Justice Training Commission the authority to DE-CERITY your constitutionally elected sheriff, paving the way to move closer to appointed, rather than elected county sheriffs.
Certification and Accountability: Peace officers must maintain certification under RCW 43.101; failure to do so, or decertification, results in vacancy or termination (RCW 35.21.334, 36.28.025, Sec. 9). The Criminal Justice Training Commission prioritizes training access for these roles.
The CJTC is responsible for denying, suspending, or revoking certifications, and the bill reinforces this by requiring sheriffs to maintain certification or face a vacancy in their office
ALL members of the CJTC, except the ex officio members (Attorney General and State Patrol Chief), are appointed by the Governor.
Sheriff Duties: Sheriffs must enforce state laws as interpreted by the [politically captured] Washington Supreme Court, aligning with prior rulings (RCW 36.28.010).
This bill has made it through session cutoff and could be sent to the House floor for a vote at anytime between now and March 12th. Please take action now and share this action alert far and wide!
Send your legislators a message letting them know you want them to vote NO on HB 1399
ICYMI: Catch the replay of Episode 3 of Womansplaining LIVE - we covered “Bindergate” and the update as of noon yesterday for Washington State legislature.
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Unbelievable - we elect a sheriff and they would have the power to decertify that sheriff if he/she doesn't meet their "qualifications"?
Have they never read the constitution?