
Our BILL OF THE DAY would rebrand the Governor's Interagency Coordinating Council on Health Disparities to the 'Council for Health Justice and Equity' which would include “climate change” and “racism” as health crises.

  • Bureaucratic Overreach and Cost Concerns: House Bill 1262 expands government oversight by transforming the existing council into a larger, more comprehensive "Council for Health Justice and Equity," potentially increasing state expenditures without clear evidence of effectiveness or accountability, thus straining budgets during a time when fiscal responsibility is crucial.

  • Ideological Bias in Health Policy: This bill injects political ideology into health policy by mandating the council to address “systemic” issues like racism and climate change, which may divert focus from practical, evidence-based health solutions and individual responsibility, undermining a science-driven approach to public health.

    This bill states a goal of creating a statewide vision for health equity and addressing social determinants of health, which are totally ambiguous and almost impossible to measure. There would likely be no accountability for this council.

Track this bill on our Legislative Action Center: https://www.votervoice.net/CLWA/Bills/68670


HB 1876 is a bipartisan bill that expands upon Washington State’s “Death With Dignity Act” aka assisted suicide. This shortens the waiting time and makes it easier for citizens to access life-ending drugs.

Please register your opposition by signing in CON before 7AM on Friday, February 14th.


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